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Images and Stories from Vermont

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Vaccination Progress

The state's vaccination dashboard showed progress as of June 19, 2021. Essex County, Vermont's most…

Unvacinated Drive Spike

"Officials said Tuesday [September 21, 2021] that Labor Day-related gatherings and activities could…

Three-month high

"Data from the Vermont Department of Health shows cases rising statewide. The state reported 89 new…

The COVID-19 Crisis and Vermont Women

This document tracks the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on women and girls in

Stowe Reporter Front Page

The challenges of living in a tourist town such as Stowe are shown on the front page of the April 9,…

Statistics on Public Libraries, July 15

The Vermont Department of Libraries began surveying public libraries in the state to see how many…

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State's Weekly Data Summary, with focus on BIPOC

During the crisis, the state produced a weekly data summary. Some of those summaries included…

State's Covid-19 Modeling, April 2

Coronavirus Model_4-02-2020.png
The state’s modeling shows that in a likely scenario (green line), the need for ventilators would…

State's COVID-19 Model, through May 29

Department of Financial Regulation's slide deck showing positive improvements and forecasting,…

State's COVID-19 Model, through May 1

Department of Financial Regulation's slide deck showing positive improvements and forecasting,…

State's COVID-19 Model, through June 26

Department of Financial Regulation's slide deck showing positive trends in Vermont's fight against…

State's COVID-19 Model, through July 17

Department of Financial Regulation's slide deck showing national and regional trends in the fight…