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Images and Stories from Vermont

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Dismissal of Schools

Directive 1 - Continuity of Education Planning.pdf
"All public schools and independent schools shall be dismissed, and all school related activities…

Drive-in Graduation

Champlain Valley Union High School held the first "drive-in" graduation at Champlain Valley…

Field trips during Covid-19

Brayden Bogie is working on his VT History project for his 4th grade class at Blue Mountain Union…

First Bus Run, Twinfield School, After Coronavirus Shut Down in March

Driving to school on the first day with students, I passed our bus on its first run in six months to…

First day of School

We are doing 2 bus runs in the morning and afternoon. The little kids come early and leave early.…

First In-School Spread of Virus in Vermont

The first in-school spread of the coronavirus occurred at Montpelier's Union Elementary School in…

Fletcher Free Library distributes books at BSD meal sites

gnomes book distribution.jpg
FFL partnered with the Burlington School District to distribute books weekly at 11 meal sites in…

Fletcher Free Library Summer Challenge Video

CSLP Early Literacy Slogan_Banner (1).jpg
The Fletcher Free Library (FFL) staff created a video with original lyrics about our Summer…

Getting ready for teacher parade

One of the most obvious difficult things about when schools went remote in March 2020 was that we…

Gradutation on the SoRo Green, 2020 Version

2020 Graduation on the SoRo Green.jpg
As in all small towns in Vermont, in South Royalton the high school graduation is a major…


Kids' Covid-19 Song Parody

Sophia (12yo) and Ethan (10yo) are students of St. Albans Town Educational Center. The stay-at-home…

Line to Pick Up Lunch at School

At Twinfield, only HS students are allowed to eat in the Cafe, and then only three at a table. There…