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Images and Stories from Vermont

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  • Tags: masks

Hiding Behind My Mask

On my daily two or three mile walk in the neighborhood streets off of Towne Hill Road, Montpelier, I…

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Hand-Altered Masking Sign at the Main Entrance to the Berlin Mall

This was on the main entrance to the Berlin Mall. It went up when the new masking guidelines, to be…

Grocery store check out

Morrisville Hannafords put up "sneeze guards". Everyone is wearing a mask or face shield.

Governor Mandates Facial Coverings

"As of Saturday, August 1, 2020, Vermonters shall wear masks or cloth facial coverings over their…

Governor Lifts Mask Mandate

On Friday, May 14, 2021, Governor Phil Scott lifted the mask mandate for Vermont, following the…

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Free Masks

I saw this little display of free masks on Berlin Street in Montpelier as we were taking our daily…

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Fletcher Free Library circulation desk

circ desk during covid.jpg
Visiting the library looked very different during the pandemic.

Face Coverings for Children - Somali

This is an example of one of the foreign language pamphlets created by the Vermont Department of…

Face Coverings for Children

Recommendations from Vermont Department of Health on proper face coverings for children.

Effectiveness of Beau Tie Masks

At the beginning of the pandemic people started wearing cloth masks to protect themselves from the…

Easter Eggs, decorated and social distancing

Easter Eggs, decorated & social distancing.jpg
This Easter traveling to see family was out of the question, so no decorating eggs with our…

Do not enter grocery store without a mask

Shaw's grocery store in Montpelier displayed this sign during the pandemic. Other grocery stores…