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Images and Stories from Vermont

Vermont borders states with major covid-19
outbreaks, but you won’t find that here

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Vermont has managed to all but avoid the coronavirus outbreak - The Washington Post.pdf


Vermont borders states with major covid-19
outbreaks, but you won’t find that here


"Months into the pandemic, Vermont’s governor says the state is “the envy of the nation,” with little more than 1,100 confirmed covid-19 infections and 56 deaths. Perhaps most remarkable is that Vermont has been relatively spared the effects of the disease even though a huge swath of the nation’s cases are mere hours from its borders; neighboring New York and Massachusetts have approximately half a million confirmed cases between them, and more than 37,000 deaths."


Maria Sacchetti, Washington Post


Washington Post


June 18, 2020

Spatial Coverage



Maria Sacchetti, Washington Post, “Vermont borders states with major covid-19
outbreaks, but you won’t find that here,” COVID-19 Archive, accessed February 14, 2025,