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COVID-19 Archive

Images and Stories from Vermont

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  • Tags: masks

Mixed Message: A "Still Life" in the Time of Coronavirus

Mixed Message, a'Still Life' in the time of Coronavirus.jpg
Our sign welcoming friends to our Royalton home now rests behind the stuff we employ to keep them --…

No more dinner guests

Repurposed dinning room turned mask sewing center. Since we couldn’t entertain due to quarantine…

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Since March, I have been making and distributing cloth masks from my home in Middlesex to family…


Barre Historic Sculpture Wearing Face Mask

During the Covid-19 pandemic, even Barre's 'Youth Triumphant' sculpture is wearing a facial mask to…

In the Time of the Virus

IN THE TIME OF THE VIRUS_ April 9, 2020.mp4
My animated slide show poem created in response to my on call for "viral verse" April 8, 2020 from…

"Using cloth face coverings"

Bulletin issued by the Vermont Department of Health titled "Using cloth face coverings to help slow…

Mask making

IMG_0722 3.jpg
To help cover the shortage of personal protective equipment, sewers all over the country started…


Grocery store check out

Morrisville Hannafords put up "sneeze guards". Everyone is wearing a mask or face shield.

Vermont Glove Makes Masks

Vermont Magazine featured the fact that Vermont Glove had switched to making cloth masks in this…

Barr Hill Sanitizer

During the crisis, distilleries in Vermont turned their talents to making much-needed hand…

Pavilion Building, Facial Covering Required

This sign was posted on the front door of the Pavilion Building, a state office building in…

Cloth Mask

My mom, who lives in Florida, made this cloth mask and sent it to me.

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