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COVID-19 Archive

Images and Stories from Vermont

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Talking to daddy while he's deployed

Talking to daddy durring deployment.jpg
My husband had been deployed for several months by the time COVID-19 struck our country/community. …

Taking care when serving customers

Signs and food preparation at Two Loco Guys in Barre.

Supermarket Delivery Truck

Truck from regional supermarket chain Hannaford's passes through downtown Barre City, presumably…

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Students reading current events

This year more than any other our students have been reading newspapers to catch up on current…

Students in an outdoor classroom

This is my fourth grade class at Union school in Montpelier. Because of the pandemic, we have been…

Students eating picnic lunch outside

I teach fourth grade and did a fundraiser so all of my students could have a camp chair of their own…

Students bringing back the art of snail mail

I teach fourth grade and students at that age are extremely tech savvy. One of the things we brought…

Student Posters

Elementary School students from the Irasburg Elementary School, Irasburg Vermont, created these…

Student greeting assistant principal with an elbow bump

My son is the first year middle student and they didn’t get a chance to have their usual open houses…

Street-side handwashing

This church provided a hand-washing station for people who did not have ready access to soap and… website

Created “” website as a resource to support the Stowe community during the COVID-19…