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COVID-19 Archive

Images and Stories from Vermont

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Zooming with Thoreau

Zooming with Thoreau.pdf
I live in Walden, Vermont. Since in lock down for the pandemic, I've renewed my interest in poetry.…


Fletcher Free Library Summer Challenge Video

CSLP Early Literacy Slogan_Banner (1).jpg
The Fletcher Free Library (FFL) staff created a video with original lyrics about our Summer…

Fletcher Free Library COVID-19 Infographic

FFL infographic.pdf
FFL has pivoted its services during this crisis, boosting digital services, creating YouTube videos…

Class of 2020

Montpelier High School, like schools across the country, is trying to figure out how to recognize…

"We will all hang out again soon"

I saw this sign on a walk in Montpelier the other day. It expresses the optimism of a young person…

Curbside and Pickup 101 at Dan and Whit's

Curbside Pickup 101.pdf
This blogger describes the process of providing curbside pickup for customers at the venerable…

Congressional Delegation Letter to Agriculture Secretary

Senators Leahy and Sanders and Representative Welch write to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue…

Work Safe Additions, Update 8

The Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) has been updating its "Work Safe"…

ACCD Recovery Resource Center for Business

The Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) maintained a website of recovery resources…

ACCD Recovery Resource Center for Individuals

The Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) maintained a website of recovery resources…

Shaftsbury Lake, How it was

Shaftsbury Lake State Park. The space between groups of people was greater than usual. Other than…


Covid-19 Blues: Sheltering in Place

Corvid19 Blues (sheltering in place).m4a
This is an audio file and a lyric sheet for a song I wrote about the coronavirus experience. You can…