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Stacey Nel­son, 50, Colch­ester


Stacey Nel­son, 50, Colch­ester


Stacey Nel­son, 50, of Colch­ester died on Thurs­day, April 30, 2020, at the UVM Med­ical Cen­ter in Burling­ton, due to com­pli­ca­tions from COVID-19.

He was born on March 18, 1970, in New­port to George and Janet Nel­son of Al­bany.

Stacey was raised in Al­bany and at­tended Al­bany el­e­men­tary school, Crafts­bury Acad­emy, and grad­u­ated from Lake Re­gion Union High School in 1988 and the Uni­ver­sity of Ver­mont in 1993. He owned and op­er­ated Dun­wright Taxi in Burling­ton.

Through Stacey’s jour­ney in life he met many peo­ple and en­joyed hear­ing their sto­ries. Stacey loved an­i­mals and en­joyed read­ing, draw­ing, and ge­neal­ogy.

He is sur­vived by his brother Scott Nel­son of Iras­burg; his sis­ters Sonya Kit­tredge and her hus­band, Paul, of Al­bany, and Shelly Morey and her hus­band, Michael, of New­port; his nephews: Ben­jamin and Matthew Kit­tredge both of Al­bany, and Scott Nel­son and Danielle Plante of Mor­risville; his niece Jenna Morey of New­port Cen­ter; as well as his great-nieces and -nephews and many cousins. He is also sur­vived by his aunts: Sh­eryl and Patty Mar­tin both of Crafts­bury, and Bea Nel­son of Derby Line; and he also leaves be­hind his long­time friend, Lor­raine Lay of Colch­ester.

He was pre­de­ceased by his par­ents, George and Janet Nel­son.


Barton Chronicle


April 30, 2020,

Spatial Coverage



Barton Chronicle, “Stacey Nel­son, 50, Colch­ester,” COVID-19 Archive, accessed March 17, 2025,