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COVID-19 Archive

Images and Stories from Vermont

As the Spring Birds Sing coronavirus diary XII 4/13/2020


As the Spring Birds Sing coronavirus diary XII 4/13/2020


This is one of many poems I've been writing under the umbrella subtitle "Corona Virus Diary". It describes the coming of Spring, but also different situations/experiences under the pandemic we are all suffering through.


Marjorie Moorhead


April 13, 2020


Marjorie Moorhead

Spatial Coverage


As the Spring Birds Sing
coronavirus diary XII 4/13/2020

As birds sing of Spring,
we sit in sorrow.
Under pandemic lockdown, not sure
of our tomorrow,
jobs and livelihood disappear.
Hunkered down in required isolation,
each day, we’re losing ones held dear;
uncles, teachers, grocery store workers.
Grandparents sealed in their eldercare homes
wave to family through locked doors and windows.
As we shelter within our enclosing walls,
red foxes roam; hedgehogs wander.
Left to usher in Spring without human hustle
and bustle, Earth catches her breath.
We hide behind masks; scramble for ventilators,
as birds build nests in the branches and bramble.
This year, crowded hospitals beds groan
as Lilac boughs bud, preparing to blossom.

by Marjorie Moorhead




Marjorie Moorhead, “As the Spring Birds Sing coronavirus diary XII 4/13/2020,” COVID-19 Archive, accessed March 14, 2025,